What to Feed Baby to Prevent Constipated

10 Foods That Will Help Relieve Constipation In Babies

One of the most common problems that a lot of babies face is constipation. This can be quite tough for your little darling as irregular bowels bring forth a lot of complications, tears, and discomfort too.

Constipation usually becomes common when you introduce your baby to solid food or formula feed. But the good news is it is a temporary condition that can be treated with adequate alteration in food to relieve constipation in babies and other simple curative remedies, as explained in this article.

In This Article

  • What Causes Constipation In Babies?
  • What Are The Symptoms Of Constipation In Babies
  • 10 Foods That Help To Combat Constipation In Babies
  • 5 Home Remedies To Treat Constipation In Babies
  • Foods That Are A Big NO For Constipated Babies
  • Constipation In Breastfed Babies

What Causes Constipation In Babies?

Before you ascertain the causes of infant constipation, first understand what is normal for your baby. Does she have a bowel movement every time she feeds? Or does she wait for a day or two in between it?

Typically, a formula-fed baby passes at least one stool every day, while for exclusively breastfed babies, the pattern is quite irregular. However, you will be able to tune in to her digestive behavior after a little observation. Some food to relieve constipation in babies.

Constipation can be triggered by various factors that include:

1. Weaning From Breast Milk

Weaning your baby from breast milk is beyond doubt, a major change in the little one's diet, and is one of the most common factors that usually trigger constipation in babies after six months. Your baby's tummy is so attuned to the digestion of just breast milk for such a long period of time, and the introduction of solids does make digestion difficult for the little one resulting in constipation issues for some babies.

2. Formula Milk

Some of the ingredients in formula might be difficult for a baby to digest, which can cause constipation. It may also be caused due to intolerance to milk protein. Sometimes, just a change in the brand for a short period is enough, but some babies may have a milk allergy for which you will need medical consultation.

Check with your pediatrician, and once he diagnoses a milk allergy in your baby, then you can switch your baby's formula to one that is not milk-based. But do not make this change without consulting your pediatrician.

3. Vaccination And Medicines


Some treatments also have adverse effects on constipation in babies. However, this subsides typically with a couple of days or a week at the maximum. Some medications also trigger constipation in babies.

A lot of antibiotics, iron supplements, and antacids are known to trigger constipation in babies. If a baby remains constipated for a longer period, consult the doctor.

4. Family History

Children who have a family history of constipation have higher chances of being victims of this problem. All that can be done is try out all the home remedies that are found to provide relief for this trouble.

5. Medical Conditions

Though rare, babies can be constipated if they have an underlying medical condition like hypothyroidism, botulism, or metabolic disorders. In such a case, only a doctor can rule out these conditions and suggest solutions.

6. Not Enough Fiber

The fiber in your diet if breastfeeding and in your baby's diet if she is on solids is extremely important in order to avert constipation. Feeding your baby with solids without the required quantity of supplementary fibrous foods like cereals, fruits, and veggies can also trigger constipation in your babies. A common first food is a rice, which can trigger constipation.

7. Inadequate Intake Of Fluids

This is one of the main culprits behind constipation issues. Most babies suffer from it. Once the baby starts solid food after six months, you also need to ensure the little one is getting an adequate amount of water and additional fluids like juices at regular intervals.

It will keep the little one well hydrated and also keep his stools soft and easy to pass. You should even know that the frequency a baby passes stools also depends on her activity levels and how quickly she digests food.

What Are The Symptoms Of Constipation In Babies?

Now that you know some of the causes of constipation in babies, you would want to know the signs that indicate that your baby is constipated. Some of the main indicators that point to your baby being constipated include

  • Delayed or infrequent passage of stools in babies
  • The baby appears to be suffering from a lot of pain and straining while passing stools
  • Hard and dry stools
  • Stomach pain or a belly that is hard to touch
  • Slight blood along with the stools
  • Loss of appetite
  • Baby experiencing nausea and even vomiting – though rare
  • Urinary tract infections that keep reappearing often
  • Baby refuses to eat and is irritable and fussy
  • Foul-smelling stools or gas

10 Foods That Help To Combat Constipation In Babies

Given below are some foods that have been found to be successful in combating constipation issues in babies, provided they have started taking solids.

1. Pears


Pears are rich in fiber, potassium, and Vitamin C. Pear juice is found to be excellent in relieving constipation. A baby over six months can be given around two to four ounces of fresh pear juice made in a day

2. Prunes


One of the best-recommended foods all over the world that have been found extremely useful in fighting constipation problems in babies. You could give prune juice to your baby every day and will be amazed to see the results. Prunes are rich in fiber, Vitamin A, and potassium and excellent in relieving constipation in babies. To know more read here

3. Broccoli


This is quite an excellent option that will help to combat constipation in your little darling. Broccoli is full of fiber and helps in bowel movement. You can puree the steamed broccoli and give it to your baby

4. Brown Rice

brown rice

Keep your baby away from white rice and instead introduce brown rice in his diet. Brown rice is loaded with fiber and all other nutrients that are perfect for relieving constipation in babies

5. Green Peas

green peas

You could also give green pea puree to your baby when he is suffering from constipation. Green peas are rich in fiber and contain high amounts of all vitamins, iron, protein, zinc, and potassium that help in providing relief from constipation in babies.

6. Beans


Any kind of beans can be given to your little baby as they are a great mixture of soluble and insoluble fiber, which help in digestion and averting constipation in babies.

7. Plums

Plums have been proven effective to avert constipation in babies. Plum puree or juice is a good option for your baby when he is suffering from constipation.

8. Apricots


This is yet another pick that is advisable to relieve constipation. Your baby is sure to love apricot puree that is extremely yummy to eat too.

9. Peaches


One more wonderful fiber-rich fruit variety that is ideal for combating the issue of constipation in babies. The peach puree is also simple and easy to prepare.

10. Oats


Oatmeal cereals are another option for your constipated baby. Oats are fiber-rich foods and also contain complex carbohydrate, iron, protein, zinc, selenium, and thiamine making it a great source of energy too

Five Home Remedies To Treat It

Some home remedies that can help improve a baby's digestion and subsequently treat constipation are as follows:

1. Baby Tummy Massage

Bowel movements can be stimulated by gently massaging the tummy, specifically the lower abdomen in a clockwise motion. Lay your baby on her back and lacing a hand on the belly button, circle your fingers in a clockwise direction away from the belly button. Use your baby cues to determine the pressure she wants. Several massages throughout the day can help her pass a stool.

2. Get The Baby Moving

Exercising is an excellent remedy for constipation, and the same holds true for babies. Movements help in moving things quickly, and if your child is too young to walk, get him to move his legs in a bicycle motion. A play gym works as an excellent motivation for a workout!

3. Change The Formula Brand

If your baby is on formula, she might be reacting adversely to an ingredient in it. Changing the formula brand a few times over can help you determine which works best for your baby

4. Offer A Warm Bath

warm bath

A warm, relaxing bath is also believed to stimulate bowel movements and get things moving. A warm bath soothes the baby, and if followed by a gentle tummy massage, it may be all that the baby needs

5. Cut Down On Constipating Foods

This works for both the mother and the baby. If breastfeeding, cut down on dairy items like milk, cheese, and paneer. Replace refined cereals with cooked, high-fiber grains. If your baby is on solids, do not feed her raw bananas and rice cereal. Instead, offer baby barley or oatmeal cereals, fruits like prunes and peaches, and vegetables.

Let us now have a look at foods that can be provided for babies who are on solids:

Foods That Are A Big NO For Constipated Babies

However, make sure you steer clear of certain foods if your baby is a victim of constipation. This includes:

  • Unripe bananas
  • Applesauce
  • Toast
  • Rice Cereal
  • Cooked Carrots
  • Pasta
  • Potatoes in large quantity

These foods are normally advised when your baby has diarrhea as they help to firm the stools up, which will only aggravate issues if your baby has constipation problems.

Constipation In Breastfed Babies

Newborn babies who are breastfed exclusively should have at least three bowel movements every day. A number that is less than this implies that the baby needs more milk if he is not gaining enough weight. However, if the baby's weight gain is normal, less frequency may not be a problem.

However, after the age of 6 weeks, many babies have fewer irregular bowel movements. Some babies go as much as a week without any bowels. This so happens because breast milk is easily digestible, and all nutrients are readily absorbed by the baby's body. This is again not a concern if the baby is gaining weight well.

Some babies get constipated when introduced to cow's milk, or when they start with solids. Some simple dietary changes and increased activity levels can help your baby pass stools regularly.

Did you face the constipation problem with your baby? What foods did you include or exclude from his diet to cure this problem? Please do share your experiences in the comments section below.


Source: https://www.beingtheparent.com/constipation-in-babies/

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